Sunday, January 01, 2012


When you think about it, books are a blessing. They contain information, whether is be fiction or not. The part I love most though is that they give you an. outlet to submerge yourself into a world that isn't your own. In the words of Nicole, (one of my all time best friends) "I love books. I love reading books. I love looking at books. I love feeling a book's pages. I. LOVE. BOOKS." I must say, there is no other way to say it better than I LOVE BOOKS! There just isn't.

What brought this on, was the fact that I just recently finished the second book in the Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie, Crossed. I had heard many of my friends ranting and raving about them. So I figured that with my gift cards to Barns and Noble, I would buy them and give them a try. Boy am I glad I did. For those of you that know me really well, I am having trouble deciding whether I like these books or the Hunger Games Series better. Which is saying something.

I am know anticipating the release of the third book, but sadly that won't be happening for awhile now, Crossed was just released back in November. So the wait begins.


Oh gosh. It has been 4 months since I last posted. A bit sad don't you think?

I was just browsing through my favorites and I found the link to my Blog! I had nearly forgotten about it.

I am just poking my head in, to say that the holiday season was a hit. Family was over for Christmas, even my aunt from Pendlton, which is about 4-5 hours away.

People have seemingly lost the true meaning of Christmas. But can you define the true meaning of Christmas? Is it spending time with family, or is it waking up and opening presents. Is it a time to reflect on the time that has passed, and the time that is to come, or is it reflecting on Jesus and what he represents. There is another thing that is hard to define. What does Jesus represent? Does he represent the goodness in all of us, or who we are? Does he represent all of the things we have done, both good and bad, or is it something more?

More and more now days, I find myself questioning things. Are they really what they are. Lately I have been contemplating what possible career choices I could potentially make. I have thought about becoming a math teacher, or a philosopher. Two careers at separate ends of the spectrum. One has limitless answers, and one has definite answers.

So many things to think about when you are an eighth grader that you wouldn't even think you would think about. Sigh, things are flooding my brain, I feel that with each new thing that enters, I could drowned.

Good, no, Great Books

Hunger Games Countdown